Rodger offers workshops, readings, and editing services. Contact Rodger for more information.
- The American Renga: Using a Japanese structure to create poetry within a group
- Journalism: No Nonsense. Writing clear, objective, accurate, active voice prose
- Extending the Metaphor: Using art and music as jumping off points for writing a poem
- Poetry Recitation Techniques: Particularly geared to high school Poetry Out Loud competitors
- Paradise Lost as Readers’ Theater: Discovering the beauty and power of Milton’s language by lifting it off the page and into the air

- Poetry readings
- Talk on language
- Combinations with poetry and musicians
- Prose and poetry
- Journalism
Readings and workshops are eligible for matching funds through The New Hampshire State Council on The Arts and/or the New England Foundation on the Arts.
“A teacher can make or break this class. [He] is awesome, enthusiastic,. . . loves his job, his students, and journalism.” —Keene State College student
“I learned more from Rodger’s edits to my stories than I have from any class . . . ever.” —Keene State College student
“I really liked the lab dog poem. I have a dumb yellow lab who is exactly like the dog in your poem.” —student, Timberlane Regional High School
“…Never would have thought you would use your ear to write by letting your ear guide you.” —student, New Boston Elementary School
“You helped me with my on-ramps and off-ramps. …made it a poem,” —student, New Boston Elementary School